
1. I
wait till your coat dries подождите, пока не-высохнет /не просохнет/ ваше пальто
2. II
dry in some manner dry quickly (easily, thoroughly, etc.) быстро и т.д. сохнуть /высохнуть/
3. III
1) dry smth., smb. dry one's eyes (one's face, one's hands, the baby, etc.) вытирать глаза и т.д. .; who is going to dry the dishes? кто будет вытирать посуду?; dry one's tears осушить слезы
2) dry smth. dry the grass (the herbs, one's wet clothes, etc.) сушить траву и т.д.
4. XV
dry to some state this ink dries black когда эти чернила высыхают, они становятся черными
5. XVI
dry in some place dry in the sun (in the open air, in the wind, etc.) сохнуть на солнце и т.д. ., dry in some time the paint dried in five hours краска высохла за пять часов; dry (up-)on smb. the wet things dried (up)on him мокрая одежда на нем высохла
dry oneself go dry yourself! пойди вытрись
7. XXI1
dry smth., smb. on /with, by/ smth. dry one's hands on a towel (the dishes with a cloth, a glass with a napkin, etc.) вытирать руки полотенцем и т.д. ., dry the letter with blotting-paper промокнуть письмо промокашкой; dry oneself on /with/ a bath towel вытираться банным полотенцем; dry smth. by electricity (by heat, by exposure to the sun, etc.) сушить что-л. при помощи электричества и т.д. .; dry smth., smb. by (in, over, etc.) smth. dry one's wet clothes by (over) the fire сушить мокрую одежду у огня (над огнем); dry one's wet boots (gloves, etc.) in a heated stove сушить мокрые сапоги и т.д. в теплой печке; dry grass in the sun сушить траву /сено/ на солнце; dry fish in smoke коптить рыбу; dry oneself by the fire обсушиться у костра /у огня, у камина/; dry smth. for smth. dry fish for food вялить рыбу для еды
dry smth. by doing smth. dry smth. by applying a new process обрабатывать что-л., применив новый способ сушки; dry the table by wiping вытереть стол досуха; dry these lands by draining осушить эти земли дренированием

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "dry" в других словарях:

  • dry — dry …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • dry — dry·ad; dry·as; dry; dry·de·ni·an; dry·i·nid; dry·in·i·dae; dry·ly; dry·man; dry·ness; dry·o·bal·a·nops; dry·ob·a·tes; dry·o·phyl·lum; dry·o·pi·the·cid; dry·o·pith·e·ci·nae; dry·o·pi·the·cus; dry·op·te·ris; dry·op·te·roid; gynan·dry;… …   English syllables

  • Dry — (dr[imac]), a. [Compar. {Drier}; superl. {Driest}.] [OE. dru[yogh]e, druye, drie, AS. dryge; akin to LG. dr[ o]ge, D. droog, OHG. trucchan, G. trocken, Icel. draugr a dry log. Cf. {Drought}, {Drouth}, 3d {Drug}.] 1. Free from moisture; having… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dry — [ draj ] adj. inv. et n. m. • 1877; mot angl. « sec » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Sec, en parlant du champagne, du vermouth. ⇒aussi extra dry. 2 ♦ N. m. (1951) Cocktail au gin et au vermouth. ⇒ martini. Des drys ou des dry …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • dry — adj 1 Dry, arid mean devoid of moisture. Dry may suggest freedom from noticeable moisture either as a characteristic or as a desirable state {a dry climate} {1dry clothing} {dry land} {dry provisions} …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • dry — [drī] adj. drier, driest [ME drie < OE dryge, akin to Ger trocken, Du droog < IE * dhereugh , fast, firm, solid (< base * dher , to hold out, hold fast > FIRM1)] 1. not watery; not under water [dry land] 2. having no moisture; not wet …   English World dictionary

  • Dry — or dryness may refer to: Lack of water Prohibiting alcohol (see Dry county) Dryness (taste), the lack of sugar in a drink, especially an alcoholic one (not to be confused with the meaning listed above) Dryness (medical) Dryness (drought) Dry… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry — Dry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dried}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Drying}.] [AS. drygan; cf. drugian to grow dry. See {Dry}, a.] To make dry; to free from water, or from moisture of any kind, and by any means; to exsiccate; as, to dry the eyes; to dry one s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dry up — {v.} 1. To become dry. * /The reservoir dried up during the four month drought./ 2. To disappear or vanish as if by evaporating. * /The Senator s influence dried up when he was voted out of office./ 3. {slang} To stop talking. Often used as a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • dry up — {v.} 1. To become dry. * /The reservoir dried up during the four month drought./ 2. To disappear or vanish as if by evaporating. * /The Senator s influence dried up when he was voted out of office./ 3. {slang} To stop talking. Often used as a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • dry — 〈[ draı] Adj.〉 trocken, herb, ohne Zuckerzusatz (Wein, Sekt) [engl.] * * * dry [dra̮i ] <indekl. Adj.; nachgestellt [engl. dry, verw. mit ↑ trocken]: (von Sekt, Wein o. Ä.) herb, trocken. * * * dry   [draɪ; englisch »trocken«],     …   Universal-Lexikon

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